On Saturday 25th September at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, West Kensington, I had the pleasure of taking photographs for Shivaangee Agrawal at her Bharatnatyam Arangetram: a debut on-stage performance of a Bharatanatyam student, after undertaking years of training.

Bharatnatyam is a popular classical Indian dance style which originated in the temples of the state of Tamil Nadu, in Southern India. The various dances are inspired from various Hindu stories. It is a classical dance style practiced both inside and outside of India. Bharatnatyam also featured in the opening ceremony of the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

Shivaangee presented a wonderful showcase on what she has learnt over the last ten years with her Guruji, Sri Prakash Yadagudde. It is easy to see that the level of detail in make up, dress, style and performance is critical. Across the board the performace was outstanding to say the least! The event was very well attended and we were able to learn even more about the talented Shivaangee and this fantastic dance form.

Below are a couple of pictures from the event. See more here

Thanks goes to Shivaangee and her family for a great event and promoting this fantastic dance form.

Published On: October 2nd, 2010 / Categories: Events, Interesting, Photography / Tags: , , , , , /