After completing the Google Squared course a couple of years ago, I feel more aware of the term ‘digital’ and the role which it plays in our lives.

Below is a write up of some notes which I took down in the online session. It will be interesting to read these notes in just a few years time to see how these concepts and ideas have evolved.

Technology is constantly evolving, both with the devices and interfaces we use, as well as the new experiences which are presented as these technologies disrupt the way we approach our daily lives.

I attended an online session held by Google Squared for its Alumni which was taken by Martin Talk. The session touched on this subject of Technology and Digital, and discussed the ‘Blurring lines of physical and virtual world experiences’.

The discussion touched on many different areas, but some which are close to home.

For example, we looked at the impact which digital has on the way we shop and our shopping experiences. Many are consumers are opting for online experiences. They want to get their products in a fast and convenient manner. Amazon, the online retail giant has gone from strength to strength taking a huge market share of the online shopping experience. Its become the norm to ‘Prime-it’ for next day (or even same day) delivery, all from the comfort of your mobile phone.

However, with Amazon’s recent take over of Whole Foods, the giant is now exploring ways to engage with its audiences by exploring ‘physical’ retail environments with its ‘just walk out technology’. Although we do a lot of shopping online, as humans, we like the experience of going into a retail outlet to touch, see and feel the products which we want to buy. This is a great example of how Amazon is blurring the lines between physical and virtual experiences.

Technology giants Google, Amazon and Apple are just some of the companies who are shaping the way we will engage with digital experiences.

Apples Face ID, Google Home and Amazon Echo, the use of Augmented and Virtual Reality are technologies that are relatively new, but these are setting a trend for the next wave of technology to come, which will no doubt shape the experiences we engage with.

Examples of different industries and the impact that technology will have on them were also explored:

Travel – Virtual Reality: walk around accommodation in another country, providing a try before you buy experience
Retail – Augmented Reality – Ikea Place – allowing users to test out furniture by ‘placing’ a digital model of furniture items into their homes to see how it looks before making a purchase
Manufacturing – 3D printing technology – an example would be the printing of parts for a human body which is a huge advancement medicine and prosthetics. 3D printing technology has been used for a range of other industries including the food industry and the printing of pizzas and desserts
Policing – Predictive data generated may help to anticipate crimes which are yet to happen
Finance – Cryptocurrencies – ‘Blockchains’ will allow for the tracking of transactions which are time stamped and do not need to be verified by a government


Main takeaways from the session:

A Strategy should be in place which incorporates everything (digital/non-digital) as the lines are blurring. How do customers see it? Customer expectations are changing

The lines are blurring between physical and virtual experiences

They are both parts of delivering on raised customer expectations

All sectors are impacted

Organisationally, we need to reflect the new reality/unreality

Looking forward to the next session.

Published On: January 19th, 2018 / Categories: Branding, Design, Digital, Interesting, Personal, Technology /