How some Drinks brands are setting great examples of ‘Branding’.

A brand can be anything relating to the look of a company, to its personality or style. It’s the identity, values, and what it is known for and stands for. It’s how it is seen in the minds of it’s consumers.

Take Coca-Cola for example. One of the first things that we may think about may be the iconic, script logo, the bold red colour and the shape of their unique bottle design.

They have to continuously reinvent themselves based on the changing times and the desires of their consumers. Coca Cola is seen as a fresh, modern brand and one that continually sets the bar for other drinks manufacturers to follow.

Brands are everywhere and continue to evolve as technology, trends and fashions change…

Starbucks is another company, like Coca Cola that keeps its finger on the pulse of it’s consumers. Everything from the in-store experience, signage, messaging, colours, the coffee mugs, packaging, right down to the tiny details which help to ensure they are on brand.

Subtle considerations can have a huge impact if not done correctly.

Starbucks has a strong presence across the globe and can be recognised within specific countries. The ‘siren’ logo identity which is a key element of the brand has gone through multiple evolutions. It has a strong sense of symmetry and a bold element which does not necessarily need the name ‘Starbucks’ with it to be recognised.

When a brand ‘evolves’, it could be ‘pivoting’ in a way that it can address the needs of its audience, at that moment in time.

At Count Creation, we like to surface what matters for a brand and what they need to be thinking about now and into the future. As our reliance on technology increases by the day, it should carefully be considered within the brand strategy of all types of organisations and businesses.

Published On: September 24th, 2017 / Categories: Blog, Branding, Design, Experience, Online /