The Frozen Planet series produced by the BBC is a beautifully produced set of 1 hour documentaries. I believe it’s like a modern work of art.
Frozen Planet is a seven part series which helps us to understand the goings on in the Arctic and Antarctic, documenting in detail the seasons, weather and an array of animals in their natural habitats. It really helps us to appreciate how these animals live their lives in their ‘circle of life.’ It also gives us an insight into the extremes of nature.
Everything is captured in amazing detail. At points it almost feels surreal – is this really happening on the planet we live in? Using some of the latest camera technology, video footage is captured at various speeds and angles to enhance the viewing experience. Combined with narration by Sir David Attenborough and dramatic music reflecting the scenes being presented, it really does draw you in.
It’s so easy to get caught up in our daily lives as the human race, trying to manage our lives, but it’s documentaries like as Frozen Planet and Planet Earth which help us to appreciate the power of nature – something which we don’t really have any control over. There is something special about our planet.
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