Hello all! Just thought it would be nice to wish you all a Happy New Year!

I’ve been steadily updating the blog – hope you find the topics interesting. I had a great Christmas and New Years, back in the north catching up with family and friends. I was a little taken back by the freezing temperatures a couple of days ago! I can’t remember it ever being colder!

Over Christmas I watched Tare Zameen Par, a Bollywood movie starring Aamir Khan.  Great film! If you have not seen it, make sure you do…

Works been busy and it’s been good to catch up with some friends in London. Slumdog Millionaire is out tomorrow. Great movie…  I’d love to see it again. scroll down and have a look at my opinion…

Well I best get on and get some sleep. Keep you posted.

Published On: January 8th, 2009 / Categories: Uncategorized /