As the world of marketing and communications continues to grow and change (by the minute), the role of ‘brand’ has become even more important.

Creating and delivering messages that promote and reinforce the brand’s essence is a critical part of any strategy. A strategic approach can help to create and build brand awareness, increase customer loyalty, and most importantly, drive engagement.

While more traditional means of communication such as TV and print have their role, it’s the rise of ‘digital’ tools and channels that have made it even more essential for brands to be active and present, with purpose. Today, audiences can conveniently reach out and engage with a brand at the tap of a screen.

With the level of information out there, it’s easy to experience the noise.

Everywhere we look, we are inundated with communications.

To cut through this noise, creating thoughtful, compelling, and useful communications can help the tribes and audiences of a brand.

If done correctly, they can help to differentiate one brand from another.

Not just in the visual sense, but through the brand personality, which these days has so many layers.

I’ve always been in the school of thought that ‘consistency is king’ for a brand.

However, there is huge value in ‘outside the box thinking. Going against the grain helps to be bold and stand out. If the brand gives back in the form of value, it generates a sense of purpose.

Ultimately, the role of brand and communication is to help people on their customer journey.

As a by-product, the brand is seen in a more positive light.

Published On: August 9th, 2022 / Categories: Blog, Brand Identity, Branding, Digital Marketing, Marketing /