Well after about 13 hours of traveling, I reached finally reached Ahmedabad after my connection from Mumbai, India’s commercial capital. I flew with Oman from London which was a surprisingly good airline. I watched the film Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis on the impressive in flight entertainment.
Compared to the cold snap which Britain is experiencing at the moment, I am fortunate to be in a more than comfortable 25+ degrees. :) Shirt/kurta top and jeans weather. I caught a connecting bus from the impressive Chhattrapati Shivaji, Mumbai airport which continues to go through some big development and a branding overhaul recently. This bus took me over to the domestic airport. For a Sunday afternoon, it was pretty hectic! Traveling by air, in India seems to be one of the preferred choices of travel. Made it to Ahmedabad using the internal Air India flight which was great – but slightly delayed. Ahmedabad is Gujarat states capital where I was greeted by my friend Dharmesh Mistry.
Loving the noisy buzz of the city and not missing the freezing weather back home!
Just got back from the International Kite Festival in Ahmedabad which was amazing to see. Only thing was I forgot my camera! Hopefully going again on the 14th when the festival Makar sankranti/Uttarayan will be celebrated. BIG festival in India apparently, should be good.
Click here to get more info on the festival and the celebrations.