Hello all! Lots been going on at the moment. Changes here and there… The leaves have started to change colour and the evenings are getting darker quicker. The weeks leading upto Christmas (yes, only months away!) are going to be busy.

I thought it would be nice to post some work which I have been working on at the moment. There has been lots of different things ranging from some identity work to some promotional work for events. We have been working on some design projects for National Hindu Students Forum(UK), all in preparation for their freshers fairs across the country.  Some of the examples of be seen below:

  • ‘Hindu Times’ –  identity for NHSF annual conference. For more information: www.nhsf.org.uk/hindutimes
  • NHSF Hum publication – a 28 page A5 brochure, which will be handed out to freshers who join the local societies at universities across the UK. Front cover and example spreads.
  • NHSF wallplanner – A2 planner, handed out to those joining the  local societies at universities across the UK.

Also been working on a travel brochure/guide which is quite demanding, however it’s nice to see the beautiful destinations in the world. South Africa looks like an amazing country! – will keep you posted on the updates for this.

Until then…

Published On: September 20th, 2009 / Categories: Uncategorized /