Ahmedabad is a pretty big city. As you can imagine there is often a visual frenzy of things going on as you make your way around. Introducing the Sunday market stalls in the Old city of Ahmedabad. Imagine, a dusty atmosphere, noise of horns and an ever-rising temperature made this a memorable walk.

I met up with a group at the city’s town hall and from there we walked across the Ellis Bridge – one of the six bridges connecting the sides of the city. We walked right through the centre of the bridge. When we arrived on the other side we delved into the market and up to the riverfront. The first stalls we encountered were fruit based. Selling oranges and grapes. The guys at the orange stall were very welcoming and offered me an orange which I later gave to someone.

From there we delved further and then walked through a large area of arranged stalls, selling everything from circuit boards to spanners. From cute colourful chirping baby chicks, to playstations. Everyone at the market seemed to be deep in conversation. Stall owners were happy for us to photograph!

Have a look at the range of products being sold there in the photographs which I took. At one point I had a trained pigeon sitting on my wrist. Quite exciting!

Photographs can be seen on facebook:


Been up to a tonne of other stuff which I really need to sit down and write up to share with you all. It’s all exiting stuff. Until then


Published On: February 16th, 2010 / Categories: Interesting, Photography, Travel /