Creating the visual ‘cornerstone’ of your brand

Every day, our eyes are presented with so much information. When starting a new venture or reinventing your businesses can be a difficult task if the logo mark, or brand identity does not connect to its users.

The logo identity should never be thought of as a quick fix. It is a key element of an organisation and a cornerstone of the brand.

People will become familiar with a logo identity over time as they get to know it and engage with it across multiple platforms and experiences, but if and when the need arises, it may need to adapt and pivot in the ever-changing world.

It takes time

The identity and related branding elements will generate visibility and presence in the world. Importantly it will build trust in the minds of the audience.

Its important to build a logo identity around the core values and principles of the company, organisation or product. A design strategy is a key element of the process and developing and nurturing this will allow for a better design solution to be shaped around it.

Key words, research and delving deeper ultimately help to uncover whats really important to shape the overall visual look and essence of the logo identity.

Published On: July 1st, 2020 / Categories: Blog, Brand Identity, Branding, Design, Online /