Amit attended a talk by Shuvo Saha Director of, Google Digital Academy, London. Saha provided insights into the way ‘brands’ have embraced change with the introduction of digital. He touched on a number of different areas and gave some examples brands who are successfully embracing these constantly changing and emerging tools for marketers, strategists and creatives.

‘Brands’ have certainly changed the way in which they function with the introduction of digital technology and all industries are having to move through continual disruption.

Why do brands exist?

It allows for differentiation – brands are able to shape the way in which consumers see them.

Opportunity to build ‘trust’ with consumer – it is important to build trust and this can take time. It certainly won’t happen overnight and good communication through a brand’s online and digital channels that help to build that trust.

Helps to build identity – allows for companies to stand out and set trends within the industry.

What brands should recognise:

Value – logo can warrant a bigger value of a product

Brand mission – develop a mission and provide opportunity to increase awareness and trust with consumers.


Count Creation is working hard to meet the brand and marketing needs of the ever changing world and those looking to move their brand.

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Published On: March 24th, 2017 / Categories: Branding, Business, Design, Graphic Design /